aqui na lua
quinta-feira, dezembro 28, 2006
  contagem decrescente para 2007 ou coisas eternas
A minha filha lembrou-me desta música e achei justo incluí-la junto com outras que, para mim, são eternas. Afinal é das "minhas coisas eternas" que isto trata. Não faço a mais pequena ideia de quais são as verdadeiras coisas eternas para o resto da humanidade.

It's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !!!!!!!!

Mary Poppins:
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay

Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious

Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay!

Because I was afraid to speak
When I was just a lad
My father gave me nose a tweak
And told me I was bad
But then one day I learned a word
That saved me achin' nose

Bert, Mary Poppins and Chorus:
The biggest word I ever heard
And this is how it goes: Oh!

Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay!

Mary Poppins:
He traveled all around the world
And everywhere he went
He'd use his word and all would say"
There goes a clever gent"

When Dukes and maharajas
Pass the time of day with me
I say me special word and then
They ask me out to tea

Bert, Mary Poppins and Chorus:
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay
Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay!

Mary Poppins:
So when the cat has got your tongue
There's no need for dismay
Just summon up this word
And then you've got a lot to say
But better use it carefully
Or it could change your life

The Perlie:
One night I said it to me girl
And now me girl's my wife!

Julie Andrews in "Mary Poppins"
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